The Concord Museum of Massachusetts has an outstanding collection of art, artifacts and objects covering the revolutionary war as well as famous authors Alcott, Emerson, Hawthorne and Thoreau. Enjoy interesting exhibits in a newly renovated facility complimented with a superb staff that can answer any historical questions you may have. Well worth a visit or two or three. Plenty of free parking. Located at 53 Cambridge Turnpike, Concord, Massachusetts.
Concord Museum
53 Cambridge Turnpike
Concord, MA 01742
Tel: 978-369-9763
A MUST SEE is their interactive timeline story of April 19, 1775, the day that the “shot heard round the world” was fired, beginning the American Revolution – Click Here
Calendar of Museum Events – Whats-On
Concord Museum in Historic Concord – Revolutionary and Literary history.